Say Hello to Sonia!

Today, let’s introduce Sonia, who is part of the Susi Cala team. She is a jeweler and in addition to making jewelry, she is in charge of labeling and packaging.
Age: 49 years old
Country: Spain
Arrival at the company: March 2023
Hobbies: Taking a walk, riding a bike
For you, what does the Susi Cala brand represent?
‘At the moment, Susi Cala represents the future for me. It brings me stability in my life.’
If you had to choose one jewel from the brand, which one would it be? And why?
‘I would say any jewel from the Moon collection, but especially the ‘Small Moon Pendant’. I love it because it’s minimal, beautiful and easy to wear every day!’
Moon Collection
What are the things that make you happy?
‘What makes me happy in life is being around the people I like, my daughters, my family, my friends, my coworkers, and every people surrounding me. My daily routine makes me happy, and the fact that everything is going well in life.’
What is the perfect song for you while you are working?
‘Well, I don’t think that there is only one perfect song, but what I love the most are songs from my time, especially the rock from the 80’s and the 90’s. I also love to listen to Spanish songs.’
How is your daily life at Susi Cala?
‘We start the day by organizing with Justine according to the different orders and the work that has to be done for the day. Then, it is the typical day-to-day work of making the jewels. During lunch breaks, we talk about little things of our daily life and families, what we are planning to do during our weekends ect…’
Where do you see yourself in five years?
‘Here! I would completely see myself here in five years, continuing to work and being part of the Susi Cala family.’